TinyMCE templates are slick

How to create a TinyMCE template for pages you need to create often

On the Plone Foundation board, we have biweekly meetings for which the Foundation Secretary takes minutes. We approve them at the following meeting, and they are then published and emailed to the Foundation membership.

To make it easier for the secretary to take those minutes, live, during the meeting, including all the usual formatting for headings, bullet points, and the common parts of our minutes, Chrissy Wainwright created a TinyMCE template for Plone.org.

It consists of:

  • a file containing the HTML that should be inserted when an editor chooses a TinyMCE template
  • a new section in browser/configure.zcml to tell TinyMCE where to find its templates
  • a registry entry Plone.templates that lists the available TinyMCE templates in JSON format
  • a registry entry Plone.custom_plugins telling TinyMCE to load its template plugin

See the ploneorg.core commit in full.

screenshot: use TinyMCE insert menu screenshot: choose template screenshot: the result in TinyMCE