robot testing error "Non-existing setting"

"Test case name cannot be empty."

If you are running robot tests and you get the error

[ ERROR ] Error in file '/Users/kim/PloneBuilds/OshkoshScholars/test_oshkoshscholars.robot': Non-existing setting ''.


Test case name cannot be empty.

you should check the indentation of your robot test script. In my case, I had an extra space in each column from having copied & pasted this sample robot test script:

 *** Settings ***

  Resource  plone/app/robotframework/selenium.robot

  Test Setup  Open test browser
  Test Teardown  Close all browsers

*** Test Cases ***

  Plone is installed
    Go to  ${PLONE_URL}
    Page should contain  Powered by Plone

whereas after correctly de-indenting it I no longer got the error (it's an annoyingly near-invisible problem!).

*** Settings ***

 Resource  plone/app/robotframework/selenium.robot

 Test Setup  Open test browser
 Test Teardown  Close all browsers

*** Test Cases ***

 Plone is installed
   Go to  ${PLONE_URL}
   Page should contain  Powered by Plone